The songs You have set in the sky are sweet.
They soothe my heart with warmth like the sun.
This thought I hold like a treasure,
that You, King of Kings, are singing over me
the song of the lover over the beloved.
You sing with joy, stretching the banner of your triumph
like the sky over me from horizon to horizon.
Where could I go to escape my lover's call?
My heart is His and He has given me wings.
To flee is folly beyond measure.
When does the flower turn her face away
from the sun that gives life and love abundant?
How loudly You herald Your victory
displaying me as a boon, a gold-set jewel!
How beautiful Your love has made me!
Your love drips like perfume through my fingers.
Your joy lights my face more than a thousand lamps.
Let the city cry out-
Look, look how the bride is running!
How beautiful is the face of the beloved!
Come let us come together.
Let us celebrate the love match of the Lord!
I will cry out-
Dance with me O city, rejoice people of my people!
The One who loves me has redeemed me!
He has bought me back from darkness
and brings me to the seat of His love!
Let us be joyful in His glorious Presence!